
Day 1
Challenge Competition

  • (Oct 4)

    This will be our first time hosting a competition in North America. Last year, R2D Camp held its first competition in Asia, and after countless emails and requests, we are finally bringing the concept back home to Canada. The concept for the ‘Challenge’ Competition is as follows: each team will be given a ‘challenge’ (anywhere from 20-30 seconds long) by the judge allotted to their team that they will have to incorporate into their routine.

    Dance teams across North America, are you up for the challenges that will come your way from some of the best dance educators in the world?
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Day 2
R2D Camp

  • (Oct 5)

    Five masterclasses, one day. The experience will be challenging, and push each individual dancer to explore the potentials of their craft. Dancers who have participated in camp in previous years have told us they appreciate the raw learning experience and the relationships they were able to build with the educators and fellow dancers during the classes.

    At the end of the masterclasses, several scholarships are awarded to the dancers on behalf of the educators. Each scholarship is based not only on skill, but on having a positive attitude and vibrant energy throughout the experience.
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Day 3
Music Video Experience

  • (Oct 6)

    To close the camp, each of the international educators will be choosing 10 dancers from the weekend who will be given the opportunity to perform a piece choreographed by them, music video style. It will be professionally filmed and directed, the way it is done in the industry.

    This will give the dancers firsthand experience of what it is like working in the industry, and with professional choreographers who have been working in the industry for years.
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